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Politically Exposed Persons都是什么人?


这里说的Politically Exposed Person,是在类似如下的背景中出现的。


any subscriber acting directly or indirectly for a senior foreign political figure, any member of a senior foreign political figure’s immediate family or any close associate of a senior foreign political figure (a “politically exposed person” or “potentate”) unless the Fund, after being specifically notified by the subscriber in writing that it is such a person, conducts further due diligence, and determines that such investment shall be permitted, or…

从这段话中可以看出,politically exposed person与potentate(权势人物)意思相近,都是senior foreign political figure(外国高级政要)的另外一种说法。这样看来,这是个专门用语,而且是针对外国人的——这一点仅仅从字面上是看不出来的。



Politically exposed person – Wikipedia

In financial regulation, a politically exposed person (PEP) is one who has been entrusted with a prominent public function. A PEP generally presents a higher risk for potential involvement in bribery and corruption by virtue of their position and the influence that they may hold. The terms politically exposed person and senior foreign political figure are often used interchangeably, particularly in international forums. Foreign official is a term for individuals deemed as government persons under the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act or FCPA, and although definitions are similar to PEP, there are quite a few differences and should not be used interchangeably.

按照这个解释,politically exposed person(PEP)是金融监管领域中的用语,他们是担任过重要公职的外国人,因此可能涉入贿赂和腐败的风险就比较高。和我们介绍背景的段落里说的一样,维基百科中也提到politically exposed person和senior foreign political figure经常互换使用。另外,这里还澄清说politically exposed person和foreign official(国外官员)尽管定义类似,但是也有差异,因而不能互换使用。不过,这起码也表明politically exposed person和国外官员的意思相当接近。

有了这些解释,我们知道这里的exposed的意思不是“曝光”而是“曝露于……(风险)之下”或者说“面临……风险”,具体而言是exposed to贿赂或腐败风险。PEP之所以面临贿赂或腐败风险,是因为其政治地位(politically)。这样我们就明白了:politically exposed person是指由于政治方面的原因(作为高官的地位)而面临较高的贿赂或腐败风险的外国人。这样,politically exposed person与senior foreign political figure互换使用也就不难理解了。


最后的难题是:这个politically exposed person怎么翻译成简明的中文?

一个比较容易想到的选择是“政治公众人物”,事实上网上搜索到的结果也多是这么翻译的。但是,这个译法相当于把exposed理解成“曝光”或“面对公众”了,并没有体现出这类人exposed to贿赂或腐败风险的意思。

另一个译法想到了风险这层意思,把politically exposed person翻成“政治敏感人物”。如果不专门去看背景的话,这个译法很容易让人以为这种人是由于政治原因而比较敏感(比如说由于其身份或观点而容易引起政治争议或冲突),或者以为这种人就是对政治议题比较敏感的人。

我们发现,要概括“由于政治方面的原因(作为高官的地位)而面临较高的贿赂或腐败风险的外国人”这个意思,很难做到用词简单而又意思准确而全面。退而求其次,如果愿意为了简明而牺牲部分准确性和全面性的话,我们试着把这个短语翻译为“国外政要”。在只看中文的情况下,我们通过这个表达能够读出来它所表示的senior foreign political figure这个意思。至于“面临较高的贿赂或腐败风险”这个意思,我们可以认为已经包含在“政要”这个身份中了。

