- 使用面积
- 套内面积(套内建筑面积)
- 共有建筑面积
- 建筑面积(住宅楼总建筑面积以及套内建筑面积)
- 计容建筑面积
- 对于单套住房来说,其建筑面积>套内面积(套内建筑面积)>使用面积。
- 对于一个住宅楼来说,其总建筑面积为其中各套型的使用面积之和以及该楼的共有建筑面积。
- 对于一个地块或小区而言,其总建筑面积是建设用地范围内所有建筑物地上及地下各层建筑面积之总和。
- 容积率的计算只针对整个地块进行,地块的总建筑面积并非全部计入容积率。
Construction Area / Built-up Area
我们先从最常用的“建筑面积”入手。《建筑工程建筑面积计算规范》以及其他相关标准中给出的“建筑面积”对应的英文是construction area,而我们在搜索construction area的英文解释时,得到的最相关结果是维基百科对built-up area的解释(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Built-up_area)。
Built-up area (BUA) is a term used primarily in urban planning, real estate development, building design and the construction industry. It encompasses the following:
- A developed area, i.e. any land on which buildings and/or nonbuilding structures are present, normally as part of a larger developed environment such as:
(1) developed land lot
(2) rural area
(3) urban area
① suburban area
② urban agglomeration…
- A gross building area (construction area), as defined in BOMA standards for “computing, communicating and comparing the measurement of buildings by gross areas”, namely:
(1) Construction Gross Area (CGA)…
这里的built-up area对应的是“建成区面积”。我们更关心的是其中认为gross building area与construction area同义,同时又给出了Construction Gross Area (CGA)这个说法。
Construction Gross Area / Building Gross Area
对于gross building area,http://www.investorwords.com/13378/gross_building_area.html中给出的定义是“The sum of areas at all floor levels, including the basement, mezzanine, and penthouses included in the principal outside faces of the exterior walls without allowing for architectural setbacks or projections.”这个概念中包含了地下室、夹层和顶层带阁楼的公寓。即便具体计算方式与我国有所不同,用gross building area或者gross contribution area对应中文的“总建筑面积”看来是可以的。
我们搜索Construction Gross Area (CGA),www.archtoolbox.com指出Construction Gross Area (CGA)这个说法现在不赞成使用了(Deprecated),同时该网站引用了2015 International Building Code对Building Area(Building Gross Area)的定义:
The area included within surrounding exterior walls (or exterior and fire walls) exclusive of vent shafts and courts. Areas of the building not provided with surrounding walls shall be included in the building area if such areas are included within the horizontal projection of the roof or floor above.
In general, the Building Area is the sum of all areas on all floors measured from the outside face of the exterior walls. All enclosed spaces are included and deductions are not made for mechanical shafts, vertical circulation, interior walls, or structural elements. In general, covered areas like porches, terraces, and entry alcoves are included. “Open to below” areas in multi-story voids (atria) are excluded from Building Area – only the first floor of a multi-story space is included.
同时又指出了,不同标准对Building Area(Building Gross Area)给出的具体计算方式并不相同:
Unfortunately, further definition varies by standard. For instance, FICM excludes areas with ceilings lower than 3 feet, while other standards may use a different height limit. In addition, some conventions apply a factor to certain areas – for instance, a crawl space less than 6-feet tall may be multiplied by 1/2 when measuring its area.
但是,考虑到以上提到的计算方式中即便能够大致统一,与我们采用的方式也几乎肯定存在差异,所以我们使用Construction Gross Area或Building Gross Area来对应“总建筑面积”的概念时不再强求其中涉及的计算方式也能一致。
Floor Area相关概念
单独搜索building area时,我们得到的最相关的解释是针对floor area(楼面面积)的(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Floor_area),其中说到:
In architectural, construction, and real estate, floor area, floor space, or floorspace is the area (measured as square feet or square metres) taken up by a building or part of it. The ways of defining “floor area” depend on what factors of the building should or should not be included, such as external walls, internal walls, corridors, lift shafts, stairs, etc. Generally there are 3 major differences in measuring floor area.
(1) Gross floor area (GFA) – The total floor area contained within the building measured to the external face of the external walls.
(2) Gross internal area (GIA) – The floor area contained within the building measured to the internal face of the external walls.
(3) Net internal area (NIA) (or usable floor area UFA) – The NIA is the GIA less the floor areas taken up by lobbies, enclosed machinery rooms on the roof, stairs and escalators, mechanical and electrical services, lifts, columns, toilet areas (other than in domestic property), ducts, and risers.
- 楼面总面积(Gross floor area,GFA)就是从外墙外面量出来的楼内楼面面积之和,明确是包含外墙的。
- 楼内总面积(Gross internal area,GIA)是从外墙内面量出来的楼内楼面面积,是不包含外墙的。
- 楼内净面积(Net internal area,NIA)或可用楼面面积(usable floor area,UFA)是指楼内总面积GIA减去大堂、楼顶机房、楼梯、电梯、设备间、公厕等所占的面积,大致相当于我们所说的套内建筑面积或套内建筑面积之和。
FAR / Building Area (Construction Area) Used in FAR Calculation
最容易找到的参考说法是Floor area ratio (FAR),比如https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Floor_area_ratio给出了如下明确的定义:
Floor area ratio (FAR) is the ratio of a building’s total floor area (gross floor area) to the size of the piece of land upon which it is built. The terms can also refer to limits imposed on such a ratio through zoning.
As a formula FAR = (gross floor area) / (area of the plot)
以上公式说了:容积率=楼面总面积/地块总面积。那么是不是说“计容建筑面积”就直接用Gross Floor Area(GFA)就好?对此我有所保留。
其一,我国的标准中使用是“建筑面积”的概念而不是“楼面面积”(floor area)。
其二,前面说到Construction Gross Area或Building Gross Area和我们说的“总建筑面积”在计算上也有区别,但是概念上可以对应,具体计算方式的差异是有机会说明的。而计容建筑面积涉及到具体计算过程,那么其中计算方式的差异就不能忽略:英文对容积率的定义中所用的概念,和中文的计算中所用数字可能直接存在具体差异。比如一个小区的计容建筑面积是9000平方米,但gross floor area可能是8000平方米,没法让二者强行等同。
考虑到计算方式的差异导致很难有对等的现成说法,对于“计容建筑面积”,我更愿意表达为Building Area (Construction Area) Used in FAR Calculation,也就是说,这是一个取决于具体计算方式的数字,而不是简单等同于Gross Floor Area。
- 中文的“建筑面积”对应英文的Construction Area或Building area(总建筑面积是Construction Gross Area),“使用面积”对应Net Internal Area或Usable Floor Area;
- “套内面积”的概念在使用上未必像各种标准规定的那么严格,如果能够明确是单套房屋的“建筑面积”,就用Construction Area (of the property);如果其实指的是使用面积,就用Usable (Floor) Area;如果笼统地说或者包括了套内的墙体及阳台面积,就笼统地使用Internal Area;
- “容积率”是Floor Area Ratio或Plot Ratio,“计容建筑面积”可用Building Area (Construction Area) Used in FAR Calculation;
- 共用建筑面积或公摊面积(建筑面积和使用面积之间的差异)的英文比较简单,就是Common Area;
- “楼面面积”或“楼板面积”的说法虽然在我国的标准中不使用,但是如果在文章中出现,可以用Floor Area,总楼面面积或楼面总面积就是Gross Floor Area。