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  5. Commonwealth of Massachusetts是联邦还是州?

Commonwealth of Massachusetts是联邦还是州?

大家都知道Massachusetts是指美国的马萨诸塞州。但是在官方的正式文件里,马萨诸塞州的官方名称是:Commonwealth of Massachusetts。看到这个英文表达,大家是不是有点儿懵呢?“Commonwealth”该翻译为“联邦”还是“州”?究竟该怎样处理呢?



我们通常认为Commonwealth本是与“政体”有关,具有“联邦、共和国”的意思。Collins Dictionary这样定义:“The Commonwealth is an organization consisting of the United Kingdom and most of the countries that were previously under its rule; a federation of states [the Commonwealth of Australia]”。Commonwealth由若干成员国或邦或州等联合组成的统一组织机构或国家,比如英联邦、澳大利亚联邦。

但用在美国州的名称中,却有点儿“特殊”,特殊在Commonwealth这个词其实也没有什么特殊含义,与其他州也没啥不同。美国有4个州的官方名称不是state,而是Commonwealth,即肯塔基、马萨诸塞、宾夕法尼亚和弗吉尼亚。还有一个波多黎各自由邦(The Commonwealth of Puerto Rico,美国在加勒比海地区的一个自治邦)。美国是联邦制,各州自起名字,产生了差异。我们来看看相关词典中对Commonwealth的解释:


“In the U.S., it forms a part of the official name of Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, Virginia, Kentucky, and Puerto Rico but has no special significance.”


Collins Dictionary

“US: any state of the U.S.; strictly, Ky., Mass., Pa., or Va., which were so designated in their first constitutions.”


Merriam-Webster Unabridged Dictionary

“When used to refer to U.S. states, there is no difference between a ‘state’ and a ‘commonwealth’. The distinction is in name alone. … The term commonwealth was preferred by a number of political writers in the years leading up to 1780…; the preference is believed to have existed perhaps because there was some anti-monarchial sentiment in using the word commonwealth. John Adams utilized this term when framing the Massachusetts Constitution.”


State Library of Massachusetts

“In 1780, the Massachusetts Constitution went into effect. Part Two of the Constitution, under the heading “Frame of Government” states: “that the people … form themselves into a free, sovereign, and independent body politic, or state by the name of The Commonwealth of Massachusetts.” Commonwealths are states, but the reverse is not true. The term “Commonwealth” does not describe or provide for any specific political status or legal relationship when used by a state. Legally, Massachusetts is a commonwealth because the term is contained in the Constitution.”


因此,即使官方名称中带有Commonwealth,它们也还是指美国的州。小编认为,一般情况下,Commonwealth of Massachusetts可以翻译为“马萨诸塞州”。

不过著文还发现了一件有趣的事。弗吉尼亚州有两所大学:Virginia Commonwealth University和Virginia State University。后者很好理解,就是弗吉尼亚州立大学。那前者咋翻?为区别后者,就采取直译的方法,目前通行的译法就是弗吉尼亚联邦大学。

